Targets fat cells with customised cooling and faster treatments

CLATUU Saves You More Time
The advanced 360° cooling handpiece delivers controlled cooling faster and more evenly across your treatment area allowing the target temperature for fat cell apoptosis (fat cell death) to be reached at a more rapid rate. Studies showed that the new handpiece allows clinicians to save almost one-third the treatment time involved in typical fat freezing treatments. Treatments are fast and easy benefiting you, your staff, and of course your patients.

World’s First Dual 360° Handpiece Technology (Dual Sculpting)
CLATUU utilises a dual handpiece system capable of performing two treatment sites at once with one device. This feature allows versatility in performing multi-treatments and packages that will save you and your patients even more of your valuable time. CLATUU devices: (1) System (2) Applicators (3) Gel pad, are listed on the ARTG public register with indication of use: “subcutaneous fat layer reduction through cold-assisted lipolysis.”